Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Mother Lode

I'm usually adamant about not posting or linking to anything on this blog that isn't directly Mets related. But for what happened to me today, and because it's sort of tangentially Mets related because it's about baseball and there should be at least some Mets involved, I'm making an exception.

Today, something happened to me that as a twelve-year-old kid, I could only dream about. A very lovely little old lady just sold me over 20,000 baseball cards from her son's collection (yes, with his knowledge and approval) from the 70's, 80's, and 90's, in near mint condition, for $35. Seriously. Three paper boxes full of cards. And after briefly pulling just a few out to see if the collection had been culled of all the desirable cards, well, let's just say... Dave Winfield and George Brett convinced me that it was $35 well spent. I can't wait to go through them all, even though it's going to take many, many glorious hours.

I of course called my twelve-year-old nephew in North Carolina, a die-hard Yankee fan (he can't help it - he was raised that way) to gloat just a litte, but also to let him know that dreams do come true. Sometimes it just takes twenty-six years to get there.


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